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1. "Out to lunch":意思是神志不清的,出自中文的"你脑子忘在家里了",用来形容注意力不集中的人。例如:"You must have been out to lunch when you wrote that weird report."(你在写那份奇怪的报告时一定神志不清)。

2. "Raining cats and dogs":意思是倾盆大雨,出自中文的"天下大雨",形象地表达了雨下的很大。例如:"It's raining cats and dogs outside."(外面正下着倾盆大雨)。

3. "Don't patronize me":意思是你别把我当傻瓜,你别自以为是。例如:"Don't patronize me. I know what I'm doing."(别自以为是,我知道我在做什么)。

4. "Bury one's head in the sand":意思是逃避现实。例如:"Don't bury your head in the sand, you have to face the problem."(别再逃避现实,你必须面对问题)。

5. "Give it a shot":意思是试试看。例如:"Give it a shot. You might like it."(试试看,你可能会喜欢)。
