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1.keep one`s eyes on 注视stare;盯着stare

2.keep up 保持,继续,不落后,跟上catch up with

3.keep…open 留出空闲时间 Eg:We`re going fishing next week,so remember to keep the weeekends open.

4.keep it down 小声点;别吵

5.keep in/hold back/hold in 抑制

6.keep down 压低;缩减cut short (cut/cut down削减)

7.keeper n. 监护人;饲养员;看守人;管理人;值得长久守护的人;可保持长久的东西

8.upkeep 维修费;保养费

9.keep an eye on

密切注意;留心照看 ,盯着;盯住 Eg:Please keep an eye on this matter.

照看;照料 Eg:Keep an eye on sb/sth

10.keep apart 使…分离

11.keep it to yourself 保密

12.keep away from/stay out of 远离… Eg:He should stay out of her business.

13.keep one`s mouth shut 守口如瓶;闭口不说Eg:You`d better keep your mouth shut.

14.keep walking 勇往直前;永不止步

15.keep a low profile 保持低调 Eg:Do you try to keep a low profile about your achievement?

16.keep one`s word 信守承诺,说话算话 break one`s word 食言

17.keepsake n 纪念品

18.keep….short 长话短说 Eg:I don`t want to bore everyone,so I would try keeping it short.

19.keep…going 让…继续下去 Eg:I get to touch people`s lives with what I do.And it keeps me going,and I love it.

20.Keep your chin up 保持斗志

21.keep it real 保持初心

22.keep sb from 防止;阻止 Eg:I hope I`m not keeping you from your work.

23.keep sb in line 管束某人,管束….,使….守规矩Eg:You really need to learn how to keep your staff in line.

24.follow/keep to/abide by 遵循 Eg:Abide by the law 遵纪守法 abide by 遵守observe/信守

Good citizens who obey the law 遵纪守法的好市民

Compliance with rules and regulations 遵守规章制度
