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Peeps. P-E-E-P-S. Short for 'people' really, plus an 's' at the end.


'My peeps' means 'my people'.

'My peeps'的意思就是'my people'(我的人)。

It's not the first time that an 's' has been used at the end of a word like that


you hear it with parental terms like 'mums' and 'pops'.


But it was only in the 1990s, that I heard 'peeps' come in to use for the first time.


I first heard it in songs, actually.


I think it was in rap and things like that - where 'peeps' meant 'my friends', 'my mates'

我想这个词当时应该是出现在rap(说唱乐)里面,'peeps'是指'my friends'、'my mates'(我的朋友、伙伴们)

especially in the context of a gang, you know, 'my fellow gang members', 'my peeps', 'these are my guys'.

尤其是在帮会的背景下,'my fellow gang members'(我的帮派成员)、'my peeps'(我的伙伴们)、'these are my guys'(这是我的伙计们)

And then I heard it with reference to parents, 'come and meet my peeps' - that was back in the 1980s.

之后,我在有关父母的说法中听到了这个词,'come and meet my peeps'(来见见我的家长)--这要追溯到20世纪80年代了。

Less used now, I think - 'peeps' as 'gang members' is more common.

我认为现在这种用法很少了,而'peeps'作为'gang members'(帮派成员)的用法现在则更通用。

And I've heard it in a more general context too - 'how many peeps are coming to the party tonight?'

此外,我还听到过一种更广义的语境--'how many peeps are coming to the party tonight?'

meaning, you know, 'how many people are coming to the party?'


Or, 'Joe's chilling out with his peeps' - 'Joe's chilling out with his mates'.

或者是'Joe's chilling out with his peeps',其含义是:乔和他的伙伴们在一起闲逛。

So the general usage is 'close pals', 'people you hang out with'.


But it's definitely a young usage - I have got peeps, I suppose, but I've never, ever, referred to them as such.

