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squeeze俚语啥意思,和 sequence,queue一起区分一下!

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squeeze/skwiːz/ v/n 挤


to squeeze a tube of toothpaste(tube n 管,也可直接表示牙膏)

to squeeze the juice from a lemon(lemon juice 橙汁)


sequence/ˈsiːkwəns/ n 顺序;一系列 v 按顺序排


sequent/ˈsiːkwənt/ a 连续的,继续的 n 结果,后果,接着发生的事

He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery

Number the pages in sequence。按顺序标出页码

The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence(particular a 特定的,讲究的)按照一定的次序执行。



consequence/ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ n 结果,后果(紧跟到最后的一个就是:结果)

This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.

Don't worry. It's of no consequence。无关紧要(没有结果的)

consequent/ˈkɒnsɪkwənt/ a 结果的,随之而来的

the lowering of taxes and the consequent increase in spending(tax:税费;increase v/n 增长)

Tried to prevent an oil spill and the consequent damage to wildlife.(prevent,pre-前面,-vent-来,挡在前面不让你来:组织。wildlife,wild a 野生的 ,wildlife 野生动植物。)

subsequent/ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/ a 随后的,之后的

subsequent generations后代(generation,gene-基因)

Subsequent events confirmed our doubts(confirm v 确认)

consecutive/kənˈsekjətɪv/ a 连续不断的(con-都,sec=seq,都跟随的,连续不断地)

She was absent for nine consecutive days.(absent,ab=no,sent-来,缺席)

He is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office开始第四届任期(term 期限,术语)

对比:constantly/ˈkɒnstəntli/ adv 不断,一直,始终;constant/ˈkɒnstəntli/ n 常数 a 恒定的

persecute/ˈpɜːsɪkjuːt/ v 骚扰、迫害、压迫。(per-一直,从头到尾的跟随。LiX盲一直尾随你,是不是令人讨厌,给你造成了骚扰,给你造成无形的压迫,你粗心大意不加防范,还会导致被迫害)

Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.(throughout prep 遍及,自始至终 adv 始终,处处;religious a 宗教的;belief/bɪˈliːf/ n 信仰 来自 believe)

persecuted minorities 被迫害的少数群体(minority,min-小,少;minor a 少数的,轻微的 n 未成年的,辅导科目 ;minority n 少数,少数民族 a 少数的,少数民族的)

Why are the media persecuting him like this?媒体总是揪住他不放(media 媒体,音变而来)

persecution/ˌpɜːsɪˈkjuːʃn/n (尤指因宗教、政治信仰或种族而受到的)迫害


queue/kjuː/ v 排队等会 n 队列,行列


the bus queue。等车的人

I had to join a queue for the toilets。排队上厕所

Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.

