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英 [flʌf] 美 [flʌf]

n.软毛;绒毛;无价值物;<口>失误 v.(使)变柔软;搞糟;忘词

◉Usage Examples

(1) There're fluff and dust under the furniture. Please clean it properly.

(2) The bird fluffed out its feathers in the sun.

(3) The report was mostly fluff, with little new information.

(4) Let me fluff up your pillows for you.

(5) The cricketer fluffed the catch.

(6) Most actors fluff their lines occasionally.

(1) 家具下面还有一团团的毛和尘埃,请彻底打扫一下。

(2) 那只鸟儿在阳光下抖开羽毛。

(3) 这份报导只有一点点新讯息,其他的都是废话。

(4) 我来给你把枕头抖松。

(5) 板球员接漏了球。

(6) 多数演员都会偶尔念错台词。

◉Usage notes

Fluff is a soft, light puffy or feathery material. Your pet angora rabbit is covered in fluff, and when you blow the down off a dandelion, you can call that fluff too.

A department store window designer might use white cotton fluff as snow in his holiday display, and a bored dog might pull the fluff out of every pillow in the house while you're at work. The word fluff is also a verb meaning "to shake or ruffle until something looks fuller." It's also a great way to describe something meaningless or frivolous: "I had high hopes for the newspaper article, but it was just fluff."


1. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](织物上的)绒毛,蓬松毛团;(小动物的)绒毛 Fluff consists of soft threads or fibres in the form of small, light balls or lumps. For example, you can refer to the fur of a small animal as fluff .[oft n of N]

① ...the nestbox which contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff...


② She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater.


2. [VERB 动词]出错;搞砸 If you fluff something that you are trying to do, you are unsuccessful or you do it badly. [V n] [INFORMAL 非正式]

She fluffed her interview at Oxford.


3. [VERB 动词]抖松(靠垫、羽毛等);使蓬松 If you fluff things such as cushions or feathers, you get a lot of air into them, for example by shaking or brushing them, in order to make them seem larger and lighter. [V n] [V P n (not pron)] [Also V n P]

① She stood up and fluffed her hair, wiggling her fingers through it and then throwing it back.


② Fluff up means the same as fluff .fluff up 同 fluff

Take the pan off the heat and cover for 5 minutes to fluff up the rice.

把平底锅从火上拿开,焖 5 分钟让米饭变松软。
